Technology no longer used

May we please ask for details on the policy about old technology and what is currently happening with the old technology from the council and from the educational institutions you are funding.

1) In particular where the old items are going ?

ICT kit is disposed of using a policy which can be viewed online at :

Disposal procedure

We should clarify that in respect of educational institutions, they are responsible for their own procedure and Devon County Council therefore does not hold this information.   With respect to all of the following questions, all answers will therefore apply to Devon County Council alone and not to educational institutions.

2) what percentage is going to help those in the local community that cannot afford computers.


3) when the contract / arrangements are up for review.

The disposal of computers is carried out by our ICT hardware provider. Most PC’s sent for disposal are end of life and they will recycle and reuse what they can. This contract with our hardware supplier ends in March 2021.

Further to the request above, we would like to clarify that this also relates to the council. We received some replies that some councils were not linked to educational institutions, so to clarify we are also asking these questions from the councils including those that do not fund local schools.

4) Please provide information how your institution is addressing Scope 3 Carbon Emissions in relation with old technology as per our other 3 questions below.

This information can be found online in the  Bloomberg report
