Software providers and contracts for various services

  • Building Control
  • Environmental Health
  • Licensing (including Taxi’s, alcohol, etc)

We do not hold this information. The functions above are the responsibility of District and Unitary councils, please contact them directly using the information on the link provided. Devon County Council is responsible for some licences – details are published online.

Roads and transport

Trading Standards 

  • Address Management (LLPG)

We do not hold this information. Devon County Council is not responsible for the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG), that is the responsibility of District and Unitary councils, please contact them directly using the information on the link provided.

  • Private Sector Housing

We do not hold this information. Planning for private sector housing is the responsibility of District and Unitary councils, please contact them directly using the information on the link provided.

1. Please provide the name of the software supplier used within your Local Authority for each of the areas below ) 

The table below includes responses to Questions 1 – 5

Function Supplier Product Contract end date Annual support and maintenance Shared service
Grounds maintenance Smartt Software Ltd GROMAS None – support renewed annually £290 No – used by internal County Council services only.
Land Charges Idox TLC We do not hold this information We do not hold this information This product is provided for our use by District Councils
Planning – Development Control DEF software MasterGov We do not hold this information £36,161.19 (2019 – 2020) No
Trading Standards Civica Authority Public Protection 31/03/2020 £37,669.95 Operates as a joint service with Somerset and Torbay
Waste management We do not hold this information EnMos We do not hold this information We do not hold this information No

2. Please provide the name of the product used (for each of the areas above).

3. Please provide the current contract end date for the each of these contracts.

4. Please advise on the current contract value and the annual support and maintenance for each of these contracts.

5. Please advise if any of the services listed are done as a shared service, and state which areas are.