Social worker vacancies

Please can you provide a breakdown of the number of vacancies you have had for social workers in your area for the last 5 years.

We do not hold this information.

Please also confirm what percentage of your social workers were employed through an agency for the same period.

Please see the information set out in the table below; this information provided is for the period 2016 – 2020.  The reference point is April of each year (aside from this year which is Feb) and the data cover both Children’s and Adults social worker jobs.

Agency (Contingent Workers) SW Staff (Incl Agency) Percentages
Apr-16 62 459 13.51%
Apr-17 55 462 11.90%
Apr-18 65 483 13.46%
Apr-19 100 545 18.35%
Feb-20 104 540 19.26%