Social worker posts – adult and child social care

1. As of 31st August 2019 how many social worker posts do you have in:
a. Children’s Social Care?
b. Adults Social Care?

Children’s: 263
Adults: 159

For Adults Social Care how many social worker posts are:
a. Core funded?
b. Funded by Better Care Fund?

Of the 159 Adult Social Care posts identified in the answer to the first part of Q1 (b), 21 are budgeted in 2019/20 as externally funded by funding sources which include the BCF. The remainder will be funded from Council resources

2. How many social worker posts were deleted between 1st April – 31st August 2019 in
a. Children’s Social Care ?
b. Adults Social Care?

We have interpreted your request to refer to end dated positions.  Therefore between 01st April and 31st Aug 2019 there were 4 Children’s and 2 Adults Social Worker posts that were end dated.   otherwise, no posts were deleted.

For adult social care how many of these posts were:
a. Core funded?
b. Funded by the Better Care Fund?
Please provide information as the number of social worker.


3. How many social worker posts will be deleted between 1st September 2019 – 31st March 2020?
a. Children’s Social Care?
b. Adults Social Care ?

For adult social care how many of these posts were:
a. Core funded?
b. Funded by the Better Care Fund?

Please provide information as the number of social worker.


4. As of 31st August 2019, how many social worker posts are currently ‘frozen’ / empty and not being recruited to?
a. Children’s Social Care?
b. Adults Social Care?
