Social care system charges

Who is your current National Client Caseload Information System NCCIS 16-18yr old management information system software provider?

We do not directly procure this system, it forms part of a joint contracted approach from Devon, Torbay, Plymouth and Cornwall councils with CSW Group Ltd (Careers South West)

How much do you pay them annually?

We provide an annual contribution of £200,000 towards overall service costs, including software, maintenance and wider tracking.

How much do you pay annually to your current adult and child social care software case management system provider?

The case management systems in use by Devon County Council Children’s Social Care and Adult Care and Health are provided by OLM and are supplied under an overarching contract which came into effect on 1st April 2016. Charges under this contract are fixed until 1st April 2019 and do not differentiate between Children’s Social Care and Adult Care and Health. Discussions with OLM on support and maintenance charges for the next 12 month rolling contract period have not yet concluded. As a result it is not possible to provide details of support and maintenance charges for the Childrens Service’s case management system alone or for these charges going forward.

However, we have published figures and related information for an earlier year in a previous response to another Freedom of Information request, accessible via the link below.