Services that generate profit

  1. Which of your services trade to generate profit (please include services delivered through arms-length companies or similar bodies)?  
  • Facilities Management services, Devon Norse
  • Property consultancy services, NPS SW
  • Education support services, Babcock LDP
  1. How many staff are employed in each of the service areas listed in your answer to question 1 (please break you answer down into: senior managers [i.e. Head of Service or above], middle managers and supervisors, front line operatives including team leaders?
  2. Of the staff listed for question 2, how many of them are subject to some form of performance related pay incentive?
  3. What performance areas are targeted by the performance related pay incentives identified in your response to question 3?
  4. How have the performance areas detailed in your answer to question 4 performed over the past 3 years (or since the performance related pay was introduced if it has been in place for less than 3 years)?
  5. If your answer to question 5 identifies that the performance of any areas has not improved, has your authority identified any reasons why the performance related pay has not delivered the desired result?

In response to questions 2 – 6 above, please note that Devon County Council does not hold information regarding staffing or terms of employment in these joint venture companies as this information is not necessary for our purposes.