School funding, pupil premiums and agency spend

Could you please provide information regarding pupil premium, school funding allocation and external agency spend by school i.e: 

£xxxxx school, £ xxxxx amount pupil premium, £xxxx amount agency spend on supply staff. 

We have interpreted your request to refer to the last two academic years 2016 – 2017 and 2017 – 2018.

Pupil Premium information is in Column 105 in the CFR 2016-17 Benchmark Data Status Report 

Supply and agency staff costs paid to an agency for teaching staff that have been brought in to cover teacher absence and includes cover of any period and for all reasons including illness, absence for training, and leave is in Column E26.

School funding allocation is contained in the spreadsheet linked to below :

Funding per school

The data for 2017 – 2018 is yet to be finalised and will be published when available. It is therefore exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 22 – Information Intended for Future Publication.