Restrictive school interventions and training

1. Please provide details of the total number and types of restrictive interventions used by schools maintained in your authority in the years 2017-2019. Please provide the data broken down by school; and by year and month if possible.
For the avoidance of doubt, this request includes seclusion, segregation and deprivation of liberty, as well as all forms of restraint.
If you cannot break the data down specifically by school, then please justify why this is the case and break it down by type of school (e.g. special school, etc).

Training has been provided on Passive Intervention and Prevention Strategies (PIPS).  Further information about the training is available online at:

PIPS Strategies

Details of the training which has been provided to maintained schools is available in the spreadsheet via the link below:

PIPS training

2. Please provide the names of any companies or other bodies which have provided training in restrictive interventions (including training that includes guidance on how to carry out any kind of physical intervention), in schools maintained in your authority from 2017-2019. Please note that some training providers offer this training within packages of ‘positive behaviour handling/support’.
Please break the data down by school; and by year, and month if possible. If you cannot break the data down specifically by school, then please justify why this is the case and break it down by type of school (e.g. special school, etc).

All training has been provided by Babcock, as referred to on the strategy website above.

3. Please say how much your authority has spent on such training.

Devon County Council do not hold this information as schools commission and pay for the training themselves.  To obtain this information we would recommend that you contact the schools directly for this information;  contact details for the schools can be found on our website at:

School locations

4. Please provide the number of injuries caused during restrictive interventions in schools maintained in your authority from 2017-2019.
Please break the data down by school; and by year, and month if possible.
If you cannot break the data down specifically by school, then please justify why this is the case and break it down by type of school (e.g. special school, etc).

5. Please provide the number of formal complaints made by parents about restrictive interventions to you about schools maintained in your authority 2017-2019. Please break the data down by school; and by year, and month if possible.
If you cannot break the data down specifically by school, then please justify why this is the case and break it down by type of school (e.g. special school, etc).

6. Please provide any and all formal complaints (i.e. the documents themselves) made by parents about restrictive interventions about schools maintained in your authority in 2017-2019. These could be in whatever format the complaints are submitted to the school/authority, whether in a letter, email or specialised format such as a form.

7. Please give the number of Reasonable Use of Force reports made in schools maintained in your authority from 2017-2019. For the avoidance of doubt, this refers to reports written by staff around use of force incidents. The institutions within your authority may use a different name to describe them. Please break the data down by school; and by year, and month if possible.
If you cannot break the data down specifically by school, then please justify why this is the case and break it down by type of school (e.g. special school, etc).

8. Please provide the Reasonable Use of Force reports (i.e. the documents themselves) made in schools maintained in your authority from 2017-2019.

In response to questions 4-8, Devon County Council do not hold this information; this information is held by the individual schools and we therefore refer to you to our response to question 3 above.

9. Please provide your authority’s policy on the use of restrictive interventions. If you do not have one, please explain why.

We do not hold a policy.   The trainer, Babcock, refer schools to the Department of Education Guidance Use of Reasonable Force 2013 and copies of the guidance form part of the training pack for participants. Advice is provided that individual school policies should reflect the guidance.   This guidance can be read online at:

DfE guidance