Reported Potholes June 2019

How many individual potholes you have identified or had reported to you since June 2019?  

Provide your annual spend on pothole repairs since June 2019?

Please break down the figures in an Excel file that lists results by each half year.

Reported Pothole data


As all public reports of potholes are now triaged by an inspector prior to defects being created we have included both the total number of public reports, and the number of pothole defects put on by inspectors following public reports. These will not be the same as an inspector could identify less, the same number, or more defects than a customer has reported, in line with the safety policy.

For the financial year 2019/20 all defects created in response to public reports (including defects put on by inspectors following public reports) were billed together. This means that we do not hold data regarding the costs only of publicly reported potholes. We have instead calculated an average cost per defect following public reports from June 2019 to March 2020 (inclusive) and applied this value to the number of potholes following public reports. This value is then included in the ‘Repaired Costs’ column for the applicable periods.

For the financial year 2020/21 this process changed so that all potholes were billed together, separately from other defects types.

Data is accurate as of 11 November, as such we only have the numbers of potholes identified up to and including this date. The billing for September 2020 potholes is not yet complete, however where values are available, they have been included in the ‘Repair Costs’ for the period. No values have yet been billed for potholes in October or November 2020.

Details of previous responses found on the Council’s publication scheme may be helpful to you.

Pothole expenditure