Registered foster carers

Information about your registered foster carers that are directly paid by the council.

(i) Total number of foster carers;  

342 households

(ii) Split by Gender – male, female, non-binary

128 male, 217 female and * non-binary

(iii) Split by their relationship status – single, couple

93 single carers, 248 couples

(iv) Split by their sexual orientation – lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, transgender 

This is information that carers may choose not to disclose therefore we do not hold this information in full.

* lesbian, * gay, * transgender, * pan sexual

The use of the * symbol means that we hold the information but believe that disclosure may identify individuals, breach their rights under Data Protection law and therefore the information is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act Section 40(2) personal data.