Recycling Expenditure


“This is a Freedom of Information Act request about expenditure at Devon County Council. This request is based on a previous disclosure of cost codes on What Do They Know.

For the financial years 2016-17 and 2015-16, and 2014-15 please state the total figure the Council spent on all recycling services, including facilities, personnel, management, transport, communication and any other associated costs (after income such as advertising at recycling facilities is taken into account). Please break the cost down into these key areas.

Please also give the total number of residents that the Council has recycling responsibility for, and therefore the expenditure figure as an amount per resident.

Please also state how the expenditure is broken down into the following cost codes. Where cost codes relate to Council income as opposed to outgoing costs, please state this. Where there is discrepancy between the total amount as requested above, and the amount as a total of the cost codes below, please explain this discrepancy. Finally, please explain ‘Recycling Credits’ as listed in relation to district councils below.

358012       MDDC-trade waste recycle collect equip

358013       NDDC-fleet livery & recycle bins

358015       Teign DC-modify recycle collect vehicles

358018       EDDC-food waste/recycle collect bin/box

359003       Sidmouth (prev Woods Fm) Recycling Cntr

359005       Anvil Corner Recycling Centre

MC01C        Recycling Credits – East Devon

MC02C       Recycling Credits – Exeter

MC03C       Recycling Credits – Mid Devon

MC04C       Recycling Credits – North Devon

MC06C       Recycling Credits – South Hams

MC07C       Recycling Credits – Teignbridge

MC08C       Recycling Credits – Torridge

MC09C       Recycling Credits – West Devon

MC99G       Recycling Credits – DCC Contribution

MR00X      Recycling Holding Code

MB01G       Recycling Banks – Glass

MB02G       Recycling Banks – Paper

MB03G       Recycling Banks – Textiles

MS01G        Recycling Centre Advertising income

MS02G        Trade Waste Recycling Scheme

MS11G          Recycle at Work

MS24G         Recycling Community Engagement

MW107G     Seven Brethren Recycling Centre

MW96G       Various Recycling Centres

MM99G       Waste Disposal & Recycling – Management

T205284      SOA Adj Recycling

PAS003        Devon Community Recycling Network

PAS106         Recycling Advisors Contract

PRBCRED    Topslice of Recycling Credit payments”.



Please find below and here two tables answering the above questions.

Please note that we are unable to break the figures down into the specific categories specified, as this information is not held.  Devon County Council contracts out recycling centre contracts and the below figure represents the annual contract costs.

Please also note that kerbside recycling is the responsibility of the districts.

Expenditure (£)
14/15               15/16        16/17
Facilities £708,021 £379,382 £2,132,567

Personnel      ) Household Management ) Waste Recycling

Transport      ) Centres (HWRCs)

£5,203,569 £4,970,253 £5,135,822
TOTAL £5,911,590 £5,349,635 £7,268,389
Recycling Credits ** £3,870,400 £3,585,094 £4,059,710

** Definition of recycling credits is provided here

Figures relating to the population of Devon are provided below, and can also be found on the Devon County Council website here.  It should be noted that Devon County Council’s geographical area excludes Torbay and Plymouth:-

Area 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
East Devon 134,400 134,900 136,400 138,100 139,900
Exeter 119,400 121,800 124,300 127,300 129,800
Mid Devon 78,300 78,700 79,200 79,500 79,800
North Devon 93,800 93,800 94,100 94,200 94,600
South Hams 83,600 83,900 84,100 84,500 84,300
Teignbridge 125,000 126,000 127,400 128,800 129,900
Torridge 64,700 65,100 65,600 66,300 67,000
West Devon 53,900 53,900 54,300 54,400 54,600
Plymouth 258,000 259,200 261,500 262,700 264,200
Torbay 131,500 132,100 133,000 133,400 133,900
TOTAL 1,142,600 1,149,400 1,159,900 1,169,200 1,178,000
Total DCC area (excluding Plymouth and Torbay) 753,100 758,100 765,400 773,100 779,900

2014/15 Approximate expenditure per resident = £5,911,590 divided by 765,400 = £7.72 per resident

2015/16 Approximate expenditure per resident = £5,349,635 divided by 773,100 = £6.92 per resident

2016/17 Approximate expenditure per resident = £7,268,389 divided by 779,900 = £9.31 per resident