Public toilets maintained by Devon County Council

How many public toilets were maintained by your council on:

1st April 2010 (or nearest date where records are kept)

1st April 2011 (or nearest date where records are kept)

1st April 2012 (or nearest date where records are kept)

1st April 2013 (or nearest date where records are kept)

1st April 2014 (or nearest date where records are kept)

1st April 2015 (or nearest date where records are kept)

1st April 2016 (or nearest date where records are kept)

1st April 2017 (or nearest date where records are kept)

1st April 2018 (or nearest date where records are kept)

Please provide the postcodes/address of each of the public toilets maintained by your council on:

1st April 2010 (or nearest date where records are kept)

1st April 2018 (or nearest date where records are kept)

What was the annual cost of maintaining the public toilets run by your council in the financial year 2017-18?

What is the overall expenditure by your council on public toilets for each financial year from 2010-11 to 2017-18? (Please give an annual breakdown.)

Devon County Council are not responsible for provision of public toilets and therefore do not hold the information requested.  This function is the responsibility of the District and Unitary Councils in Devon. Please contact them directly using the information on the links provided.