Procurement services – waste, highways and leisure

1. A full list of vehicles owned or leased by the local authority:

For each vehicle please include the following:
* The make and model of vehicle
* If the vehicle is owned or leased
* Which team or department the vehicle is primarily used by
* Which location the vehicle is primarily based at
* When the procurement contract for this vehicle is set to expire or be renewed.
* The date when the next cycle of vehicle procurement will begin or if this is an ongoing process.

This information is available in a response to a previous request for information which can be viewed online at:

2. Refuse and recycling services:
* Does your local authority have responsibility for delivering recycling and refuse services (e.g. bins)?
* If so, is that service delivered in-house by the council or outsourced to a contractor/contractors?
* If outsourced, please provide the name of the contractor or contractors delivering the service.
* When the procurement contract for this service is set to expire or be renewed and whether there are any break clauses or dates within the contract.

Delivering recycling and refuse services is the responsibility of district, city and unitary authorities so Devon County Council do not hold any of this information.  Contact details for the district, city and unitary authorities can be found on our website at:

3. Road maintenance and street lighting:
* Does your local authority have responsibility for delivering road maintenance services and street lighting services?


* If so, is that service delivered in-house by the council or outsourced to a contractor/contractors?

With respect to street lighting this is delivered through a term service contract.

With respect to road maintenance there are several contracts in place and details can be found on the contracts register online at:

* If outsourced, please provide the name of the contractor or contractors delivering the service.
* When the procurement contract for this service is set to expire or be renewed and whether there are any break clauses or dates within the contract.

With respect to street lighting the contractor is SSE; the contract is due to expire on the 31st March 2020 and a tendering process is about to commence.

With respect to road maintenance the contractors can be identified from the contracts register referred to above.

It is not Devon County Council standard practice to include break clauses in contracts but where there is a framework contract in place there may be a break clause in place.  Because of the number of different contracts in place to review these individually would take longer than 18 hours and therefore, pursuant to s.12 of the Freedom of Information Act we are not obliged to provide this information.

4. Leisure centre services:
* Does your local authority have responsibility for delivering leisure centre services?
* If so, is that service delivered in-house by the council or outsourced to a contractor/contractors?
* If outsourced, please provide the name of the contractor or contractors delivering the service.
* When the procurement contract for this service is set to expire or be renewed and whether there are any break clauses or dates within the contract.

Leisure centre services are the responsibility of district, city and unitary authorities so Devon County Council do not hold any of this information. Contact details for the district, city and unitary authorities can be found on our website at:

5. Can you send us a link to your Social Value and/or Procurement Policies

These can be viewed online at:

Procurement policy