Private childrens homes contracts and OFSTED reports

How many privately-run children’s homes (residential) have you cancelled contracts with in the last three calendar years (2017, 2018, 2019 so far)? Please break this down by year and say the month you have gone up to for 2019. Please also say the cost of the contract and any costs incurred from terminating it.


How many times have you suspended children from going to a privately-run children’s home (residential) due to an “inadequate” or “requires improvement” Ofsted reports in the last three calendar years (2017, 2018, 2019 so far)? Please break this down by year and say the month you have gone up to for 2019.

Children’s Homes that are on frameworks for Devon County Council are suspended if they receive an overall grading of Inadequate following Ofsted inspection. In these circumstances the provider is supported to make the necessary improvements by Devon County Council and their partners where relevant. We are unable to determine a number of young people who will have not been placed in these provisions as a result of the grading and subsequent suspension other than to say that any placement that has a grading of inadequate whether on the framework or through a spot contract mechanism will not be used. Lifting of any suspension that has been issued to a provider will not be lifted until any quality monitoring process has been assured of necessary developments.There are 8 providers that have received a suspension due to ‘inadequate’ inspection grading. Year and Month listed below –

Year Month
2017 February
2017 June
2017 June
2017 June
2017 July
2017 July
2017 November
2019 May

How many children were sent to children’s homes run by the following private providers between 31 March 2019 and 1 July 2019. Please detail the money spent per provider and the date the child was sent there.
