Private capital investments

We’re now requesting public records from you for the latest quarterly cash-flow reports of all your private capital investments, in digital format.

Private capital investments include private equity, real estate, natural resources, infrastructure, venture, and private debt funds. Each report would ideally contain fund attributes, such as: investment/fund name, vintage/year, period/date, capital calls, distributions, net asset value, net IRR, and net multiple/TVPI.

The latest reports dated 30th June 2019 can be seen via the link below:


In relation to the Net IRR and net multiple/TVPI, Devon Council can confirm that it holds the information you have requested. However, on reflection we feel that we are unable to supply this information to you as it is exempt from disclosure under Section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests). Devon County Council recognises that there is a public interest in disclosure of this information; however, disclosure of the data could impact on their ability to achieve a competitive advantage in the market place. It is for this reason that we feel that the public interest is best served by withholding this information from disclosure.