Pound Lane, Exmouth

Provide details of all repairs, including type and exact locations, carried out to the highway known as Pound Lane, Exmouth between 01January 2018 and 31 December 2020. (Costs are not required). 

Records of recorded works and Defect Reports for Pound Lane, Exmouth.

The names of Devon County Council Highways staff have not been released.  We consider this information is exempt under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act (Personal Data)

Scheme/Order number Type of work Completion date
ORD 1801649 Summer patching for 2019/20 Micro Asphalt programme 21-23 January 2019
4216573 Micro Asphalt 2019/20 July 2019
Defect repair to stop line by R&R June/July 2020
204259604 High Friction Surfacing Programmed for 2020/21, completed 14/06/2021