Part time pupil numbers

This request relates to school pupils placed on part-time timetables* (also known as reduced time-tables or reduced educational provision) within your local authority area**.

(*For the purposes of this request, a part-time time-table means an arrangement made with the pupil and parent/carer (with or without their approval) that the number of hours spent in education is reduced for an extended period of time. This does not include those on flexible learning programmes, whereby pupils attend alternative provision for some lessons but the total educational programme remains full-time.
**If you only record this information for maintained schools, please provide this data.)

1. Please state the total number of pupils placed on part-time timetables within your local authority area across the entire school academic year a) 2015/16, b) 2016/17, c) 2017/18 and d) 2018/19 to date.

Academic Year Number of Pupils
2015-16             110
2016-17             252
2017-18             433
2018-19             293

2. If known, of the total number of pupils on part-time timetables across the entire school academic year 2017/18 (e.g. breakdown of 1.c), please state:

a) The total number of pupils placed on a part-time timetable with SEND (including SEND support and EHCPs)


b) The total number of pupils placed on a part-time timetable because of risk of exclusion

Pupils are placed on part time timetables as part of a multi-agency response to meet need and therefore the reason is not recorded this way. Recording is based on the criteria for successful re-integration.

c) The total number of pupils placed on a part-time timetable for more than a whole academic year


d) The total number of pupils placed on a part-time timetable without the formal consent of a parent/carer

All notifications to Devon County Council regarding pupils on part time timetables must have parental consent.