On-Line Education

1. How many children are in receipt of on-line education? (Please break down by primary, secondary and post 16)

As of 31/3/2020, and for the 2019 – 2020 academic year:-

Primary: 0 pupils

Secondary: 30 pupils

Post 16: 8 pupils 

2. How many of these children receive their on-line education as part of a group? (Please break down by primary, secondary and post 16)

Part of a group (on-line classroom):-

Primary: 0 pupils

Secondary: 20 pupils

Post 16: We are unable to release this figure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because release of this figure could lead to the identification of the individual(s) concerned which would breach the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations. 

3. How many of these children receive their on-line education on a 1 to 1 basis? (Please break down by primary, secondary and post 16)

Not exactly on a 1 to 1 basis, but supported independent learning with set times with an on-line tutor if necessary:- 

Primary: 0 pupils

Secondary: 11 pupils

Post 16:  We are unable to release this figure under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.  This is because release of this figure could lead to the identification of the individual(s) concerned which would breach the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations. 

4. What is the average number of hours of on-line education received per child? (Please break down by primary, secondary and post 16)

Primary: 0 hours

Secondary:  23.22 hours as per available data

Post 16: 12 hours (SEN); other data not held by Devon County Council at the present time.

5. What is the average number of weeks that a child receives on-line education? (Please break down by primary, secondary and post 16)

Primary: 0 weeks

Secondary: 6.78 weeks

Post 16: 16 weeks

In addition, this is provided on a needs basis to children with Special Educational Needs.

6. What is the total cost of on-line education to your organisation? (Please break down by primary, secondary and post 16)

Secondary: £50,716.00

Post 16: £ 16,700.00

Post 16 SEN: £5,750

7. Do you have an individual budget for on-line education? (Please break down by primary, secondary and post 16)


8. If so, what is the budget for 2019 / 20 & 2020 / 21? (Please break down by primary, secondary and post 16)


9. Please state how you commission this on-line education? (eg. framework, individual, ad hoc)

These services are provided per pupil on an ad-hoc basis to meet the individual needs of the child.

We commission a service from TLC On-Line Learning because of the flexibility of the provider to offer a swift response (24 hours for starting a learner on their platform). InterHigh offer a GCSE programme which is suitable for post 16 children who have mental health issues and are unable to attend college.

10. If you have a contract, please state when the contract expires.

The contract does not expire, as it is purchased on an ad-hoc basis.

11. Who is responsible for commissioning on-line education in your organisation across primary, secondary and over 16’s? Please complete the information for everyone, if more than one person is responsible

Name: Julia Foster
Job title: SEND Senior Manager
Email: julia.foster@devon.gov.uk
Phone number: 01392 383000