Occupational Therapy assessment waiting list

Please provide the following information in an email format:

1. The current length of the OT waiting list. Please include:
The total number of cases
The approximate wait in months for an OT assessment.
Adult and paediatric figures.
A breakdown of case category numbers i.e. DFG, Moving & Handling

In relation to Adult only information we can confirm, as of the week ending 05/05/2019:

The total number of cases: 324

The average waiting list in days for an assessment: 30 (therefore less than one month)

It is not possible to provide a breakdown of case category numbers as we do not hold information in this way ie by case category.

In relation to Paediatric only information we do not hold any information at present as we have mobilised a new contract with a new provider from 1st April 2019.

2. If you have used an external independent occupational therapy organisation in the last 12 months (1st May 2018 -30th April 2019) and if so:
Their name
The number of cases outsourced and a cost paid per assessment (on average if easier) The total value spent with them during this timeframe If the work was tendered If the supplier is under a contract what is the end contract date.

In relation to Adults we have not used any external independent occupational therapy organisation in the last 12 months

In relation to Paediatric we can confirm the following:

From 1st May 2018 – 31st March 2019 the Providers we used where Virgin Care Ltd and Vranch house.
From 1st April 2019 the providers we use are Children and Family Health Devon and Vranch house.
We are unable to provide cost paid per assessment, or total value, as these services are jointly commissioned by the local authority and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as well as being part of block contract for children’s and young people’s services.

3. If there are any current vacant posts in the OT team and the total unspent salary value of these posts for the past 12 months (1st May 2018 – 30th April 2019)

The Adult OTs are spread throughout 24 integrated health and social care teams across the county and as such the information is not held by Devon County Council

In relation to Paediatric OTs, Devon County Council does not hold this information either as we do not directly provide these services, these services are provided by our commissioned providers.

4. The name, email and contact number of the person responsible for commissioning independent OT assessments on behalf of the Council.

In relation to Adults, we have confirmed above that we have not commissioned any external independent occupational therapy organisation. If an independent occupational therapy assessment is required for an individual in a specific case, this will be commissioned by the senior Operational Manager in that locality.

In relation to Paediatric, we have confirmed above that these services are jointly commissioned.  The Childrens services commissioning team work with CCG partners to achieve this. Please find mailbox for the Devon County Council childrens commissioning team: childrenscommissioningsecure-mailbox@devon.gov.uk