No Deal Brexit Planning Documents and Spend

1.Please provide the No-deal Brexit risk register; and documents on any contingency planning for leaving the end of the transition periods without an EU-UK free trade deal?

The Council’s Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee considered the 2018/19 Risk Management Annual Report at its meeting on 25th June 2019. That report included a risk assessment of the pressures which might directly impact the Council’s services as a result of the UK’s exit from the European Union – see page 7.

There is some general information about Devon County Council’s approach to contingency planning on the Brexit pages of our website.

2. Are you planning to stockpile goods in preparation for the end of the post Brexit transition period, and what are you planning to stockpile?


3. How have you spent the extra money allocated by the government for Brexit and transition period preparations?”

Devon County Council spent the extra money it received from Government to enhance capacity and capability to coordinate preparations for, response to and recovery from a No Deal Brexit. Further information is available via the link provided.