Nature Reserves, Wildlife Sites and Sites of Nature Conservation Interest

A list (including address and postcode) of any of the following that are found within the local authority:

* Local Nature Reserves (LNRs)
* Non-Statutory Nature Reserves
* Local Wildlife Sites
* Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCls)
* Any other area that has been designated by the Local Authority as having distinct ecological value and which would require any building work or property development to comply with specific requirements

Please include any such entity set up by a town and parish councils within the local authority.

The requested information is not held by Devon County Council (DCC) in list format; instead, relevant data is made available publicly via the County Council’s Environment Viewer which is accessible from the following web page (i.e. select the link the ‘Ecology and Geology Maps’):

Environmental maps – Environment (

  • Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) – the location / boundaries of all Devon LNRs are mapped.
  • Non-Statutory Nature Reserves – the only relevant data held by DCC on the Environment Viewer is the location / boundaries of Devon Wildlife Trust nature.  Data relating to other non-statutory nature reserves may be available through an internet search or through an approach to the relevant organisations that own / manage these.
  • Local Wildlife Sites / Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCls) – the term used for this form of non-statutory designation in Devon is County Wildlife Site.  The master data set for County Wildlife Sites is held by the Devon Biodiversity Record Centre.  However, the location of these sites across Devon is made publicly available by DCC through the Environment Viewer, although the mapping of these reverts to simple dot locations when viewed beyond a certain scale (to meet a requirement specified by the Devon Biodiversity Record Centre).
  • Any other area that has been designated by the Local Authority as having distinct ecological value and which would require any building work or property development to comply with specific requirements.  Please include any such entity set up by a town and parish councils within the local authority. – Devon County Council hasn’t designated any such areas itself.  However, this may have been done by District councils.  If so, such information is either likely to be available via their Local Plans or through the Devon Biodiversity Record Centre.  Information about any such entities set up by a town or parish council may be available with any relevant Neighbourhood Plans or would have to be sought through the relevant town/parish council.  Other data used by local authorities, such as the mapping of ‘priority habitats’ is made available nationally via the Interactive Map MAGIC ( provided by Defra.