National Hate Crime

Hate Crime Policy

1a. Is hate crime included in the councils current community safety plan?

No. Devon County Council does not have a separate community safety plan.
Devon has a two-tier system and this responsibility sits with the District Councils.
Devon County Council contributes to District plans through partnership meetings

1b. Does the council have a separate hate crime policy?

No. See 1a

1c. If no current plans are available – which year did the last plan end?

See above

1d. Can you send a PDF copy of the above documents?

Not Applicable

Hate Crime Staffing

2a. Does the council have a designated hate crime lead/team?


2b. If 2a= yes, what is the name of the designated hate crime lead/team?

Dave Wright, (Designated Hate Crime lead) –

2c. Does the council employ designated hate crime officer?


2d. If 2c = yes, how can we contact them?

Not Applicable

Hate Crime Reporting

3a. Does the council facilitate hate crime reporting in its area?

Yes. Through work with Police, Community Safety Teams from the District Councils and community partners. We contribute to production of posters, campaigns (e.g. Zero Tolerance to Hate Crime campaign in 2016) and awareness raising events (e.g Exeter respect, Hate Crime Awareness Week)

3b. What methods of reporting does the council support?
* Direct to Police.
* Nationally via True Vision and Stop Hate UK
* Regionally through the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner’s Victim Care unit
* Locally through 3rd sector organisations such as PDREC (Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council) & the Intercom Trust (LGBT support organisation, Exeter based)

Hate Crime Resources

4a. Does the council have a designated page on its website for hate crime information?


4b. If 4a = yes – what is it’s URL website address?

4c. Does the council produce any hate crime materials (Posters, Leaflets, Cards, Campaign materials, training resources etc)?

No. However, we participate in partnership work with the Police and district councils which do produce hate crime materials

4d. If 4c = Yes – can you send us PDF copies of any of these resources?

Please see LINK

Hate Crime Advocacy

5a. Does the council provide direct hate crime advocacy services to people affected by hate crime?


5b. If 5a = yes – how many hate crime advocates does the council employ?


5c. Does the council refer people affected by hate crime to external hate crime advocacy services?

Yes – via Victim Care Unit or direct referrals to 3rd sector support organisations e.g. Intercom, Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Commissioner

5d. If 5c = Yes, please can you provide a list of hate crime advocacy services that the council refers people to?

See list of organisations working with Victim Care Unit available at

Hate Crime Funding

6a. How much did the council budget to tackle hate crime in 2017/18?


6b. How much did the council budget to tackle hate crime last year 2016/17?


6c. How much did the council budget to tackle hate crime in 2015/16?


6d. Can you provide a list of organisations funded by the council to tackle hate crime?

Not applicable

Working with Communities affected by hate crime

7a. Does the council facilitate or participate in a hate crime forum?


7b. If 7a = yes – what is the name of the hate crime forum?

Hate Crime Scrutiny Group

7c. if 7a = yes – how often does the hate crime forum meet?


7d. if 7a = yes – what other local authorities attend the meetings?


7e. If 7a = yes – what voluntary sector organisations are represented on the forum?

None on a regular basis but the agendas have a different thematic focus each time and relevant voluntary sector organisations are invited on this basis.

National Hate Crime Awareness Week #NHCAW

8a. Does the council intend to take part this year? (14th-21st October 2017)


8b. If 8a = yes – what is the council planning to do?

Discussions ongoing.

8c. Which years has the council taken part in #NHCAW? 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. 2016 (please check each year participated)

2014, 2015, 2016

8d. If the council has not participated in #NHCAW before – can you give us a reason why?

Not applicable