Mobile phone operators – installation leases or agreements

I would like to know details of the leases/agreements the council have with Mobile Phone Operators for installations on Council land or buildings. This will include the date of the lease, the initial rent and if the rent has changed, the current rent, the date it changed and by what means. I would also like to know what rights the lease grants to them.

A schedule of the leases and licences which Devon County Council have granted to mobile phone operators can be seen via the link below.  This includes the information we hold regarding current rents:

Mobile Phone Operators

In relation to your last question, this would require an individual review of each lease and licence to establish the rights which would take a significant length of time and, because of the number and length of the documents, would take in excess of 18 hours.  This information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to s. 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  If, however, you wish to request information about a specific issue in the leases or licences, please feel free to seek information about this and we will address your request.