Missing children

The number of looked after children who had a missing incident in a) 2015 b) 2016
This information request covers “Experimental Statistics as published in the Local Interactive Tool and as such will be assessed next year as to whether the figures are considered robust enough to be classified as national statistics. This is the second year these statistics have been collected in this way, and local authorities have reported some significant improvements in recording.Missing is defined as a looked after child who is not at their placement or a place they are expected to be (e.g. school) and their whereabouts is not known.Away from placement without authorisation is defined as a looked after child whose whereabouts is known but who is not at their placement or place they are expected to be and the carer has concerns or the incident has been notified to the local authority or the police.
See Local Authority Interactive Tool this  gives 8% of Looked After Children for 2016, (1st April 2015-31st March 2016) No figures were published for 2014-2015.
The number of missing periods of looked after children that lasted more than
30 days in a) 2015 b) 2016 Experimental Data suggests: a) 2015: 5 periods that lasted more than 30 days b) 2016: 4 periods that lasted more than 30 days For this question, please detail how long each missing period was.
This information is experimental and due to be published in the future so we have applied the Section 22 exemption –information intended for future publication.This exemption is the subject of the public interest test. While the council  recognises the general public interest in openness and transparency, we feel that there is a stronger public interest in ensuring that experimental statistics are released as a whole data set. For this reason we feel that the balance of public interest favours withholding this information from disclosure at this time.
The ages and genders of the top five looked after children to have had the most
missing incidents in 2016.
Age range: 16-17, All Males