Looked After Children Supported lodgings

The number of young people (aged 16-18) your council currently has placed in a supported lodgings placement. (By supported lodgings, we mean where a young person lives with a host family who provide support to them.)  


How many of these young people are classified as looked after  


How many of these young people are Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking children.  

We hold the information but believe due to the number being under 10, disclosure may identify individuals, breach their rights under Data Protection law and therefore the information is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act Section 40(2) personal data. 

The name / brand of the supported lodgings scheme, whether provided internally or commissioned externally. 

The external provider scheme is called Young Devon supported lodgings/plan B; the in-house scheme is called DYPAS (Devon Young People’s Accommodation Service).

If the supported lodgings scheme is provided by a third party provide:

the assessment framework used by the external party to assess prospective supported lodgings hosts. (By this we mean the families whose home a young person would live in)  

We do not hold this information. We have our own process built into the contracting.

an estimated cost per placement.  

We consider that release of the cost per placement is exempt under Section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commercial Interests)

Devon County Council considers releasing the cost of placements would likely prejudice the commercial interests of any competitors and this would give an unfair advantage.

We have considered the public interest in this case and we acknowledge that there is a public interest in the transparency around public spending, however, we also consider that there is a public interest in allowing new applicants to apply in a competitive environment, and we therefore, consider that the public interest lies in withholding the information.

the financial reimbursement provided to host families through this third-party scheme.  

This figure is set at the discretion of the provider. 

the name of the organisation providing this service.  

Young Devon

If the supported lodgings scheme is provided internally:

Include the assessment framework for assessing prospective supported lodgings hosts. (By this we mean the families whose home a young person would live in)  

All new applicants wishing to look after young people age 16/17 as a Devon County Council in-house carer will be assessed as Foster Carers following the statutory process for assessing foster carers.

Provide an estimated cost per placement.

Cost per placement is in line with payments made to foster carers and will vary depending on the needs of the young person. 

Outline the financial reimbursement provided to host families.  

Financial reimbursement is in line with payments made to foster carers and will vary depending on the needs of the young person.

Provide the main contact person for supported lodgings within your council.

For in-house DYPAS placements please contact Lance Feldman lance.feldman@devon.gov.uk

For commissioned supported lodgings please contact the Devon County Council Children’s Commissioning Team childrenscommissioningsecure-mailbox@devon.gov.uk

Details of previous responses found on the Council’s publication scheme may be helpful to you.

Supported Lodgings for carers and young people and Looked after children numbers and accommodation