Looked after children – radicalisation, gangs and harmful sexual behaviour

How many (LAC) looked after children are at risk of or involved in Radicalisation?
This information is owned by the Home Office. A press release and a regional summary are publicly available. Numbers for Devon are likely to be of a sufficiently low level that disclosure may identify individuals in which case the information is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 40 – Personal Data. In addition, to determine the number would involve a manual review of thousands of individual records – making the total time to collate the information in excess of the 18 hours specified in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 12 – Cost of Compliance.

How many (LAC) looked after children are at risk of or involved in Gangs?

This information is not easily or centrally reportable and would require dissemination to teams across the county, then allocation to relevant social workers to manually check all their case files for Looked After Children to identify any relevant information. As there are over one thousand looked after children, and each one may take five to ten minutes, the total time necessary would be in excess of the 18 hours specified under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 12 – Cost of Compliance – therefore this information is exempt.

How many (LAC) looked after children are at risk of or involved in harmful sexual behaviours?

This information is not easily or centrally reportable and would require dissemination to teams across the county, then allocation to relevant social workers to manually check all their case files for Looked After Children to identify any relevant information. As there are over one thousand looked after children, and each one may take five to ten minutes, the total time necessary would be in excess of the 18 hours specified under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 12 – Cost of Compliance – therefore this information is exempt.

For each of the 3 categories could you please confirm where the children are currently placed? (e.g. Mental Health / Secure settings / Residential care / Fostering)
For each of the 3 categories could you please provide this information for children aged between 8 and 17 years.

Numbers of Looked After Children in different placements are detailed in this Disclosure to a previous Freedom of Information request – however due to the reasons outlined above we are unable to relate these to the aspects listed in the second and third questions.