Looked after children placement and care homes

1. Please could you supply the name, job title, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for Looked After Children and/or placements in children’s care homes.

Nick Scribbins, Commissioning Manager, Children’s services, nick.scribbins@devon.gov.uk

For questions 2 through 6, please supply the following information for the financial years 2017/18 to 2020/21, and where possible, the budget or most up to date snapshot available for 2021/22.

2. Please provide the total number of children looked after by the local authority.

Financial year Children looked after within the year for at least 24hrs.
2017/18 1,007
2018/19 1,002
2019/20 1,076
2020/21 1,114

3. Please provide the local authority’s total expenditure on placements for looked after children (q.2).

Net Spend Children in Care Placements
















33,590,000 39,428,000 41,871,000 43,915,000 48,920,000

4. Of the total number of children looked after by the local authority (q.2) please provide the number of placements in children’s homes (not including secure units or hostels).

Financial year Placements in children’s homes
2017/18 135
2018/19 142
2019/20 140
2020/21 161

5. Of the number of children looked after by the local authority in children’s homes (q.4) please provide the number placed inside the local authority boundary (in area) and the number placed outside the local authority boundary (out of area).

Financial year

Placements in children’s homes

Inside the local authority

2017/18 54
2018/19 68
2019/20 70
2020/21 81
Financial year Placements in children’s homes outside the local authority
2017/18 81
2018/19 74
2019/20 70
2020/21 80

6. Please provide the number of children looked after by the local authority in:
* In placements inside the local authority boundary, in ‘own provision’ (operated by the local authority)

Financial year Placements inside the local authority boundary, in ‘own provision’
2017/18 838
2018/19 858
2019/20 927
2020/21 978

* In placements outside the local authority boundary, in ‘own provision’ (operated by the local authority)

Financial year Placements outside the local authority boundary, in ‘own provision’
2017/18 123
2018/19 145
2019/20 169
2020/21 196

* In placements inside the local authority boundary, in ‘private provision’ (operated by the independent sector)

Financial year Placements inside the local authority boundary, in ‘private provision’
2017/18 309
2018/19 292
2019/20 309
2020/21 305

* In placements outside the local authority boundary, in ‘private provision’ (operated by the independent sector)

Financial year Placements outside the local authority boundary, in ‘private provision’
2017/18 235
2018/19 235
2019/20 233
2020/21 277

7. Please provide the highest, average, and lowest weekly fee currently paid for LAC in a children’s home.

Our view is that it would not be in the public interest to share the average fee for this provision. 

This is because sharing this information could jeopardise our ability as a purchasing authority to achieve best value for money.  

Therefore we are withholding this information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, S43(2): Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).