Live-in Care Packages

Please can you confirm how many live-in care packages you currently commission? 

Devon County Council (DCC) is unable to release the number of live-in care packages commissioned as there is a risk that the individual(s) concerned could be identified.  We believe that this would breach the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018, and this information is, therefore, exempt from disclosure pursuant to S40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’.

How do you commission adult live-in homecare services (e.g. lead provider model, framework provider model, spot purchase model)?

Lead Provider Model.

Please can you confirm whether live-in care is commissioned as part of the scope of your wider domiciliary care contracts, or under a separate arrangement?  

Live-in care is commissioned as part of the wider domiciliary care contracts.

Please can you confirm when your current adult live-in care contracts are due to expire and/or re-opened for new providers to join?  

The current contract does not expire for at least 2 years and may be up to 4 years.

Please can you provide the name and contact telephone number for the person responsible for commissioning adult live-in homecare?  

Ian Hobbs, Senior Commissioning Manager, Tel: 01392 383000 (ask for Ian Hobbs).

Please can you confirm your current average weekly rate for adult live in homecare?

We can confirm that in the 2018/19 financial year the average weekly charge per new live-in care package, where fully funded by DCC, is £1317.38. When one high value package in this small cohort of clients is excluded this gives a usual average of £1005.96.