Job Brockerage Scheme

Has the County Council or any of the smaller councils they represent, currently have or have plans in place for a job brokerage scheme. E.g. Croydon Council has Croydon Works, Wandsworth Council has Work Match.  

No, Devon County Council has not commissioned a programme of activity of this type. 

Do you or any of your district councils have an equivalent? 

No, Devon County Council works strategically with a variety of government departments and many external partners to develop employment and training opportunities across our area.  These include relationships with our Universities, Further Education Colleges, the National Health Service (NHS),  Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) locally and nationally, Department for Education (DfE), Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS), housing associations, employers and employer representative groups, and sector-based organisations as well as District Councils and our Local Enterprise Partnership.

At this point in time there is no intention to develop an in-house service of the type described; rather to continue to work with partners, attract funding into our area as appropriate and lead on planning, co-ordinating activity and ensuring a joined-up approach to our employment challenges.

On the wider Local Enterprise Partnership footprint, Devon County Council has contributed to the development of our Jobs Launchpad site.