IT cloud services

Q1. Does your organisation used a ‘cloud’ provider for the three IT services, either wholly or in part, listed directly below? An example of a cloud provider would be Microsoft and Office 365 which provides email, One Drive and SharePoint-online offerings. There are obviously other cloud providers.

1 – email – Yes

2 – home folders – No

3 – ‘corporate’ file systems – Yes

Q2. If you use a cloud provider for any of the three IT services listed above do you back them up? Please specify which you back up.

Approximately 40% of our mailboxes are located in the Cloud; Approximately 50% of our Corporate file systems are located in the Cloud.

Q3. If you do back up what product do you back them up with?

For all of the above Cloud-based services we rely on Microsoft recovery methods provided by our licensing agreement

Q3a. Is the back up product also a cloud provisioned service?
