In-year admissions to mainstream schools from looked after children

1. In 2016-17, how many applications for in-year admissions to mainstream schools did the local authority make on behalf of its looked-after children?


2. How many of these were to
(a) maintained schools


(b) academies/non-maintained schools?


3. How many of these applications were successful, within the timescale of 20 school days?


Please provide this figure for
(a) maintained schools


(b) academies/non-maintained schools.


4. How many of the applications were successful beyond 20 school days? Please provide this figure for
(a) academies


(b) academies/non-maintained schools.


5. What were the reasons for any delays beyond the 20 day limit? Please say in how many cases each of the below reasons applied:
– Bureaucracy
– Communication difficulties
– Response not provided within timescale
– Initial refusal being challenged through appeal process
– Initial refusal lead to threat to direct
– Initial refusal lead to request to direct
– Other

Not applicable

6. How many applications were unsuccessful? Please provide this figure for
(a) academies


(b) academies/non-maintained schools.


7. What reasons were given for rejecting applications? Please say in how many cases each of the below reasons applied:

– That by admitting a looked after child it would ‘seriously prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources’.

– Already over PAN

– Unable to meet needs of pupil

– Other

Not Applicable

8. How many cases resulted in a direction to another admissions authority?


9. How many cases were referred to the Department for Education/ESFA?


10. How many of these referrals resulted in the school/academy being directed to take the pupil onto its roll?


11. What was the longest length of time it took from the point of applying in-year to a mainstream school/academy, to a pupil being accepted onto its roll?

17 days