High Rise Tower Blocks

lease send me: 

  1. a) A list of high-rise tower blocks, of 18 stories and above, within your authority that have been listed as failing to meet standards following their latest Fire Risk Survey. Please breakdown the list according to whether they are; council owned, housing association or private.
  2. c) The reason(s) given for not meeting standards 

If you do not hold all of the information above, and do not have access to it, please provide that which you do.

I would like the above information to be provided to me as electronic copies. Please can I request the information to be laid out in this format:

Name of High-rise Owner Reason for failing
XXXXXXX Council/ Housing Association/ Private XXXXXXX/ Private: Not Available

Devon County Council are not responsible for high-rise tower blocks and  therefore, does not hold the requested information.  District and Unitary Councils are responsible for housing and can be contacted directly on the links provided.