High Needs Block

“How much money was been moved into your High Needs block from:

the schools block / early years block / central services block in 2017-2018?

In each case what is this as a percentage of the relevant block?

Did you have schools forum approval for each move? (not applicable, yes, no)

What was the overspend / underspend on High Needs in 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20?”

Year How much money moved into High Needs Block % of the relevant block Schools Forum approval to move Overspend – Cash terms
2016/17 £0m 0 n/a £3.9m
2017/18 £2.2m 0.45% of DSG No £2.1m
2018/19 £0m 0 n/a £4.2m
2019/20 * * * *

* Information for 2019/20 is not yet available as the year has not yet ended.

“Have you incurred a cumulative DSG deficit of over 1% on March 31, 2019, thus requiring a report to the ESFA/DfE?

Is this due to an overspend on the high needs block?

What was the DSG surplus/deficit in 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 in percentage terms?

For clarity, I am interested in the DSG deficit – using this definition:

“The department requires a recovery plan from all local authorities that have an overall cumulative DSG deficit of 1% or more at the end of the 2018 to 2019 financial year. The 1% calculation will be based on the latest published total DSG allocations for 2018 to 2019, gross of recoupment, as at the end of the 2018 to 2019 financial year and excludes maintained school balances.”

 Year Have you incurred a cumulative Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) deficit of over 1% on 31 March 2019 What was the DSG surplus/deficit % £ £
2014/15 Surplus 2.8% -9.934 -352.444
2015/16 Surplus 1.7% -5.947 -353.777
2016/17 Surplus 0.2% -0.775 -334.214
2017/18 Deficit -0.5% 1.64 -326.017
2018/19 No