Glyphosate based weed killers

1) Is the weed killer glyphosate used by the council in any capacity?


2) If answering yes to question one please specify what areas it is used in. For example, public playgrounds, public parks, residential streets, school grounds.
3) If answering yes to question one please specify in what quantities it is used and how frequently.
4) If answering yes to question one please specify the reason for use. For example weed prevention, invasive plants.
5) If answering yes to question one, is the council considering stopping the use of glyphosate? If yes then what is the reason for this.

In response to questions 2-5 the available information is available from a response to a previous request which can be seen online at:

6) If answering no to question one, why is glyphosate not used and what alternative weed killer is used?

Following our response to question one, this question is no longer applicable.