Exported waste

– How much waste is exported from your UK local authority and to where in years 2016-2017? What was the received revenue from waste export in years 2016-2017?

Devon County Council do not hold this information

– How much has your local authority spent on overall waste management and collecting recyclables in the last 5 years?

2017/18 = £33,308,553
2016/17 = £34,158,731
2015/16 = £35,489,374
2014/15 = £35,391,117
2013/14 = £32,396,415

– What is the collection method for paper and card in the UK?

Devon County Council do not hold this information; we are not a waste collection authority.  Waste collection is the responsibility of district, unitary and city authorities.  We would therefore recommend that you contact the district, unitary and city authorities for this information.  Contact details can be found on our website at:


– How much waste did incinerate in 2017?

2016/17 – 106,288 tonnes sent for energy recovery
2017/18 – 108,735 tonnes sent for energy recovery