EHCP placement types and costs

Please can you provide me with the name of the current educational placement (school) of any young people, 16 years of age and under, with educational health care (ehc) plans or statements, placed in independent or non-maintained provision?

 Academic year 2018/19.

Category of Need (SEMH, ASD, etc.)
Name of School
Type of placement – (Day or residential placement)
Cost of placement per year

This information is contained in the spreadsheet linked to below:

EHCP placement types

Costs provided are totals for all young people at the placement.

The use of the * symbol means we hold the information but consider the information to be commercially sensitive and therefore exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 43(2). This is a qualified exemption and requires a prejudice test and a public interest test. We consider that disclosure of costs of individual placements to specific providers may prejudice their ability to compete in the market and the ability of the council to obtain value for money. There is a public interest in being open and transparent in how public finances are used but there is also a public interest in protecting the public finances so on balance we consider the exemption to be justified.

We also consider that disclosure may identify individuals and be in breach of their rights under the Data Protection Act 2018, meaning the information is also exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 40(2). This is an absolute exemption and does not require a public interest test.

Acronyms on the spreadsheet are identified below:

ALD = Specific Learning Difficulty

ASD = Autistic Spectrum Disorder

HI = Hearing Impairment

LCN = Language and Communication Need

MLD = Moderate Learning Difficulty

MSI = Multi-Sensory Impairment

PD = Physical Disability

PMLD = Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty

SEMHS = Social, Emotional and Mental Health Speech,

SLD = Severe Learning Difficulty

VI = Visual Impairment