Early Years Funding Formula April 2021 to June 2021

Please could you provide the following:

1. the Total Early Years Funding Formula (EYFF) hourly rate effective from 1 April 21 for all Pre-Schools that are in your area. This is the rate for 3 and 4-year-old children and includes factors such as Base Rate and Deprivation.

In Devon we have one funding rate, for all sectors.  The base rate is £4.14 plus a universal SEND supplement of 4p per hour and a universal Deprivation supplement of 2p per hour.  Total paid for all 3 & 4 year old hours is £4.20.

2. the Total Early Years Funding Formula (EYFF) hourly rate effective from 1 April 21 for all Day Nurseries that are in your area.  This is the rate for 3 and 4-year-old children and includes factors such as Base Rate and Deprivation.

Please see response to question 1.