Early years block funding

Please provide information about whether any contingency was planned in the Early Years Block for the Financial Year 2018/19 including the amount of any contingency planned.

Yes, the overall budget was set using the January 2017 CENSUS data and the balancing figure at the time of budget preparation in October 2017 was allocated as contingency. The amount was £184,000

Please provide information about any underspend in the early years block for three and four-year-old places in 2018/19 and the amount of any underspend.

The underspend for 3 & 4 year old funding was £940,000. This was because there was a lower take-up of Full Time Equivalent posts compared to our FTE income.

Please provide information about any overspend in the early years block for three and four-year-old places in 2018/19 and the amount of any overspend.

None, there was no overspend for 3 &4 year old funding in 2018/19.

Please provide information about agreed actions relating to any underspend in the early years block for three and four-year-old places in 2018/19.

The underspend was allocated to an overspend on 2 year olds and Early Years Individual Inclusion funding and as a contribution to the Early Years Portage Service and Nursery Plus provision.

Please provide information about agreed actions relating to any overspend in the early years block for three and four-year-old places in 2018/19.

None, there was no overspend for 3 &4 year old funding in 2018/19

Financial year 2019/20

Please provide information about whether any contingency was planned in the Early Years Block for the Financial Year 2019/20 including the amount of any contingency planned.

Yes, As per the 2018/19 budget, the same method was used for 2019/20. The balance allocated to contingency was £62,000.

Please provide information on what calculations were made in planning this contingency budget.

The overall budget is set using the January 2018 CENSUS data and this was the balancing figure at the time of budget preparation in October 2018. The change to the budget using January 2019 and January 2020 CENSUS data impacts on our Early Years income from Department for Education, any reduction in take-up of 2 year olds, 3 & 4 year olds or overspend of SEND, will be funded by the contingency.

Please provide information about any plans for any remaining unspent contingency budget at the end of the financial year.

Until we complete our January 2020 CENSUS and have confirmation of our funding for 2019/20, we do not hold any information about what will be required for year end. Individual Inclusion funding is forecasting an overspend.