Domiciliary Care

Domiciliary care payments and financial assessments (means tests) for care

1a) What was the council’s spend on domiciliary care between 25.04.2020 – 25.06.2020

£7,704 (gross spend) between 25-04-20 to 24-06-20

1b) What was the council’s spend on domiciliary care between 25.06.2020 – 25.08.2020?

£7,156 (gross spend) between 25-06-20 to 25-08-20

2a) The number of people receiving direct payments between 25.04.2020 – 25.06.2020?

2,286 clients and carers

2b) The number of people receiving direct payments between 25.06.2020 – 25.08.2020?

2,305 clients and carers

3a) The whole cost of direct payments between 25.04.2020 – 25.06.2020

£4,340 (gross spend) between 25-04-20 to 24-06-20

3b) The whole cost of direct payments between 25.06.2020 – 25.08.2020?

£4,657 (gross spend) between 25-06-20 to 25-08-20

4a) How many financial assessments (means tests for care and support) were carried out by the council on an individual, face to face, between 25.04.2020 – 25.06.2020?

None. Devon County Council suspended all charging and financial assessments from 23 March 2020 until 24 May 2020. Upon resumption no face to face appointments to undertake a financial assessment have been arranged.

4b) How many financial assessments (means tests for care and support) were carried by the council on an individual, face to face between 25.06.2020 – 25.08.2020?


5a) How many financial assessments (means tests for care and support) were carried out on an individual by the Council in some way other than face to face (e.g online) between 25.04.2020 – 25.06.2020?

Devon County Council suspended all charging and financial assessments from 23 March 2020 until 24 May 2020. Upon resumption 107 financial assessments were completed either via telephone call or the return of postal forms between 25 May and 25 June

5b) How many financial assessments (means tests for care and support) were carried out on an individual by the Council in some way other than face to face (e.g online) between 25.06.2020 – 25.08.2020?