Domicilary – home – care visits

1) How many complaints did you receive from 2013-2019 (up until 11/2/2019) relating to care workers failing to show up when expected for a domiciliary home visit? I would like this information broken down by month and year please.

We do not hold the information required for Questions 1- 5 centrally. The information may be held by our contracted providers and due to the large number of providers we estimate that it would take well in excess of 18 hours to determine if the information is held, locate the information, retrieve and extract it. Therefore we consider the information to be exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 12- Cost of Compliance.

2) How often did care workers officially cancel visits from 2013-2019 (up until 11/2/2019)? I would like this information broken down by month and year please.

3) How often were care workers officially documented as being late to a home visit from 2013-2019 (up until 11/2/2019)? I would like this information broken down by month and year please.

4) How late were care workers to home visits from 2013-2019 (up until 11/2/2019)? If this information is available could I please have it broken down into the following categories: one hour late, two hours late, four hours late. I would also like this information broken down by month and year please.

5) How many complaints did you receive from 2013-2019 (up until 11/2/2019) in regard to care workers being late to home visits? I would like this information broken down by month and year please.

6) How many care workers do you currently employ who make domiciliary home visits? Could I have the numbers from 2013 to 2019 (up until 11/2/2019)?

Devon County Council does not directly employ any officers who make domiciliary home visits, therefore we do not hold this information. Home care workers are employed by commercial organisations contracted by us to provide the service.

7) How many domiciliary home visits were made from 2013 to 2019 (up until 11/2/2019)?
Please break these figures down by month and year.

Visits 2013 – 2019 per monthÂ