Disclosure and Barring Service

The total number of staff that are employed by your Council, as well as the total number of staff who are eligible to have a Disclosure and Barring Service criminal record check.

Of this total number of staff who are eligible to have a DBS check, how many were subject to:

1. An enhanced DBS check
2. A standard DBS check
3. A basic DBS check.

We can confirm that there are currently 4,736 employees of Devon County Council.  All of these employees are eligible to a basic DBS check.

We do not maintain a central record of enhanced and standard checks so to obtain this information will require a review of the records of the 4,736 employees.  Assuming an estimate of, say 10 minutes per record, this will take approximately more than 793 hours.  This is in excess of the appropriate time limit of 18 hours and therefore, pursuant to s. 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 we are not obliged to provide you with this information.

Further information is available via the Human Resources dashboard which is online at:

HR dashboard