Direct Payments advice and support

Is your Direct Payment advice and support block contracted/ do you have a list of providers/ do you provide this in house/ do you have other arrangements?
Our Direct Payment advice and support service is provided in house.
If it is block contracted who is the provider and when is the contract up for renewal?
Our Direct Payment advice and support service is not block contracted therefore we do not hold the information to answer this question.
If it is a list of providers how do we go about being on the list?
We do not hold a list of providers therefore we do not hold the information to answer this question.
If you have a list of providers could you please send it to us?
We do not hold a list of providers therefore we do not hold the information to answer this question.
How many Direct Payment recipients are there in your area?
Three thousand one hundred and thirty five
Do you have recommend rates of pay for PA’s?
We pay a gross rate of £11.20 per hour to enable DP employers to fulfil their legal obligations in respect of National Minimum Wage, tax, National Insurance, holiday and other commitments.
Do you offer a pre-payment card?
Do you have a market positioning statement and if you do could you please send us a copy?
The Devon County Council Adult Social Care Market Position Statement is published on our public website.