Diagnosis of Aspergers / Autism and Numbers

The date parameters used to provide the below data were 01-09-2017 to 30-06-2018 and the report used was dated 4th July 2018

1. How many children by gender have a diagnosis of Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism and are in mainstream education?

Female 55
Male 289
Grand Total 344

2. How many children by gender have a diagnosis of Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism and are in special education?

Female 64
Male 295
Grand Total 359

3. How many children by gender have a diagnosis of Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism and have been excluded from mainstream school?

Fixed Term Exclusion – 35

Permanent Exclusion – We are unable to provide the number of permanent exclusions as the numbers are low (5 or below). This information is therefore withheld under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’ as release could result in the identification of the individuals concerned, which would breach the principles of the Data Protection Act.

4. How many children by gender have a diagnosis of Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism and are home-schooled?

Home Educated Total –  24

We are unable to provide a breakdown by gender in this instance, as the numbers of females who are home-schooled is low (5 or below). This information is therefore withheld under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Information’ as release could result in the identification of the individuals concerned which would breach the principles of the Data Protection Act.

5. How many children by gender have a diagnosis of Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism and have a statement of additional needs?

Female 175
Male 812
Grand Total 987

6. What prompted referral for an autism spectrum assessment?

Information not held. We believe that this information would be held by Virgin Care – information.governance@virgincare.co.uk

7. At what age were children by gender referred for assessment?

Information not held. We believe that this information would be held by Virgin Care – information.governance@virgincare.co.uk

8. Following referral what is the average delay in months from initial referral to confirmed diagnosis, by gender

Information not held. We believe that this information would be held by Virgin Care – information.governance@virgincare.co.uk