Devon Cemeteries


  •  How many cemeteries are operated by your council? How many burial plots does this total?
  • How many cemeteries still have spaces and how many burial plots are remaining? (Please provide the names of each cemetery and how many spaces it has in total and the number remaining)
  • What proportion of this is through existing burials and advance plot purchases?
  • How many are full/ at capacity?
  • How many burials were undertaken in the following years: 2017, 2016, 2007, 2006, 1997, 1996, 1987, 1986, 1977, 1976.
  • What was the charge/cost to people for burials in each of these years?
  • How many cremations for the same years as above?
  • What was the charge/cost to people for cremations in each of these years?
  • How many years of capacity for burial do you anticipate you have remaining?
  • How many people did not get their first choice of cemetery for burial?
  • Did the council have to refuse requests for burials? If so, how many?
  • What is the furthest distance of burial plots from any of the parish church?
  • Are you actively looking to source new burial plots? If so, what measures have been taken, at what cost and what have been the results?
  • Have you opened any new cemeteries in the last 30 years? Please provide details of names and number of plots.
  • What alternatives, if any, do you offer for the disposal of human remains? For example, woodland burials, alkaline hydrolysis (dissolving) etc


Please note that Devon County Council is not responsible for Cemeteries and therefore does not hold the information requested.  This function is provided by District and Unitary councils in Devon.  Please contact them directly using the information on the links provided to obtain this information.