Deployment of telecommunication devices

1. What governmental body or organisation is responsible to oversee and give permissions for the deployment of old as well as new (3G, 4G and 5G) telecommunication masts, antennas and other devices in Devon?

Where planning permission is sought to use Government owned land or assets then permission would be needed from the owner of the land or the asset and the local planning authority in accordance with planning requirements.  Telecommunication providers can however choose to enact Code Powers. outlined in the new electronic communications code (ECC 2017) which can be viewed on line at

2. Who are the people in charge of this body or organisation?

Following on from our comments in our response to question one above, this will depend on where permission is being sought.   This will include landowners (this could be local government agencies, private companies or private individuals) – the exception being cases where the Mobile Network Operator (MNO) instigates their Code Power rights, as stated above.

3. What is DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL’s responsibility regarding the deployment of telecommunication devices and antennas.

Devon County Council would only be involved in cases if permission was sought to use street furniture or where masts were set to be placed on land/buildings we owned.  If this were to happen, this would done in accordance with normal planning processes or an MNO could rely on Code Powers.

Devon County Council do not own any telecommunication infrastructure.  This was confirmed in a previous response which can be viewed online at:

4. To whom do telecom companies have to apply for erecting any telecommunication antennas and devices?

Please see our responses to questions 1-3 above.

5. Who is overseeing that the telecommunication companies are working within health and safety standards and that they have adequate insurance policies for all of their telecommunication devices, masts and antennas?

Public Health England provide guidelines on health issues and concerns regarding 3g, 4g and 5G which can be viewed online at: