Customer Service Centre Contract and Responsibilities

1. Is your customer service contact centre provided in-house or is it outsourced?  


2. What services are managed through the customer service contact centre (i.e. blue badge applications, school admissions, registration services, highways enquiries etc.)?

Blue Badge Hotline
Care Direct (Adult Social Care)
Children’s Social Work
Concessionary Bus Passes
Emergency Duty Team (EDT)
Family Information Service
General Enquiries
Highways Operations Control Centre (HOCC)
Learn Devon
Libraries Unlimited
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Members Support Line
Pensions Enquiries
Residents’ Parking
Schools & Education
Trading Standards
Waste & Recycling

3.If you answered ‘in-house’ to question (1) then please ignore question 4 and answer the following sub-questions:

What is the total budget for this service?

£1.42 million per annum for the financial year 2018/19

How many calls were offered?

457,000 for the financial year 2018/19

How many calls were answered?

362,000 for the financial year 2018/19

Staff units in FTE (i.e. 12.5 FTE)

Average of 41 FTE for the financial year 2018/19

How many face-to-face interactions?  

Zero – the contact centre handles customer telephone calls, emails, letters, etc.

How many webchats?  

The contact centre does not currently offer this service

4. If you answered ‘outsourced’ to question (2) then please ignore question 3 and answer the following sub-questions:
a. Who provides this service?
b. What is the annual and total contract value?
c. When did the contract start and when is it due to end?
d. How many calls were offered?
e. How many calls were answered?
f. Staff units in FTE (i.e. 12.5 FTE)
g. How many face-to-face interactions?
h. How many webchats?

Question 3 answered (see above).