Cost of pothole repair

Question 1: I would like to know how much it cost to repair the pothole under works order D163177188.


At the time of repair a pothole repair was target costed. This means every pothole repaired cost the same regardless of size, time response or category of road.  This target was derived as an average cost based on the previous years spend against the number of potholes repaired.

Question 2: I would like to know how much DCC paid the law firm DWF to represent it through 2017 against me. 


Question 3: I would like to know how much DCC paid the barrister (xxxxxxxx redacted) to represent it against me in court on 24 November 2017. 

We hold this information but it did not meet the threshold for publication in our published Expenditure over £500 lists. We also consider that it constitutes personal data of third parties, meaning a potential breach of the first principle of the Data Protection Act 1998.  Therefore, disclosure is exempt under the Freedom of Information At 2000 Section 40(2) – Personal Data.