Contribution rates for domiciliary care

Has the local authority increased service user contribution rates for domiciliary care visits for the financial years; 2017/2018, 2016/2017 or 2015/2016 above inflation (please provide information for each year respectively)? If so, how much have they increased by (per hour)?

No, therefore this information is not held. Service user contribution rates are subject to the outcome of an individual financial assessment. The financial assessment outcome is a contribution towards the persons Personal Budget allocation and is based on the appropriate charging guidance for that particular year i.e. any change in contribution is directly linked to the person’s financial circumstances and not to the type of service they received.

We complete an individual financial assessment to determine a person’s contribution towards their Personal Budget. Any eligible domiciliary care visits will be costed into their Personal Budget.

The only time there is a direct link is if the person is required to pay the full cost.

Has the local authority introduced / increased social care service user charges for transport for any of the following for the financial years; 2017/2018, 2016/2017 or 2015/2016 (please provide information for each financial year respectively)? If so, how much is the charge/ increase?

For transport to medical appointments
To/from a day centre
To/from respite facility
To access facilities in the community which are included in a person’s care plan
to get to work (where a person receives support in their care plan from a care worker)

No, therefore this information is not held. As stated above we complete an individual financial assessment to determine a person’s contribution towards their Personal Budget. The cost of any eligible transport needs would be included within the person’s Personal Budget.

Has the local authority introduced / increased an upfront arrangement care charge for self-funders for the years; 2017/2018, 2016/2017 or 2015/2016 (please provide information for each financial year respectively)? If so, how much are they/how much have they increased by?

Devon County Council do not charge an upfront charge for self-funders; therefore, this information is not held.

Has the local authority introduced / increased an on-going charge for arrangements with self-funders for the financial years; 2017/2018, 2016/2017 or 2015/2016 (please provide information for each financial year respectively)? If so, how much are they/how much have they increased by?

Devon County Council do not charge an upfront charge for self-funders; therefore, this information is not held.

Have you introduced a set / assumptive rate for Disability Related Expenditure for the financial year 2017/2018, or in the two previous financial years (please provide information for each year respectively)? If so, please clarify what this rate is.

Devon County Council do not have a set / assumptive rate for Disability Related Expenditure, we complete an individual financial assessment.  Therefore, this information is not held.

Do you include the higher rate of PIP in charging for the financial years; 2017/2018, 2016/2017 or 2015/2016 (please provide information for each year respectively)? If so, is this a new inclusion?

Yes. Since the introduction of the Care Act 2014 (April 2015) the Council have included the higher rate of PIP within our financial assessment

Have you introduced / increased charges for respite/breaks for care users for the financial years; 2017/2018, 2016/2017 or 2015/2016 (please provide information for each year respectively)? If so how much is this charge / increase (in %)?

No. as per our response above we complete an individual financial assessment to determine a person’s contribution towards their Personal Budget. The cost of any eligible respite / breaks would be included within the person’s Personal Budget and the financial assessment completed by using our residential care charging policy.  Therefore, this information is not held.

Have you introduced / increased charges for any of the following during the financial years: 2017/2018, 2016/2017, or 2015/2016 (please provide information for each financial year respectively)?

Laundry service
Cleaning service
Gardening services
Handyman services
Food shopping
Meals on wheels

No. As per our response above we complete an individual financial assessment to determine a person’s contribution towards their Personal Budget. The cost of any eligible needs listed above would be included within the person’s Personal Budget.  Therefore, this information is not held.

Are you aware of any restrictions on care users as being able to access the 12-week property disregard for residential care as result of local authority policy changes?

No. The 12-week property disregard is an automatic disregard for all eligible users who meet the set criteria. Therefore, this information is not held.