Commissioned Grants to Not for Profit Organisations

“I would be grateful for any information you have on the following:

1. The name and contact details of any organisation/provider that you grant fund or commission in your locality to provide services and/or support (in some cases also known as social infrastructure support, capacity building or organisational development) to not for profit organisations.

Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC) – name and contact details can be found via the link provided.

Devon Communities Together (DCT) – name and contact details can be found via the link provided.

You may also wish to refer to table 6 of Devon County Council’s 2019-20 Budget Book which contains information on Grants paid to external organisations by the Council.

2. The monetary value of any such contract or commission.

In 2019-20, the amount of the grant paid by Devon County Council (DCC) to DALC = £8,950

In 2019-20 The amount of the grant paid by DCC to DCT = £62,000

You may also wish to refer to table 6 of Devon County Council’s 2019-20 Budget Book which contains information on the value of grants paid to external organisations by the Council. 

3. A copy of the tender specification that was used to procure that service, alongside any amendments that were made when the contract was awarded.”

We do not hold this information as a tender specification was not produced.