Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties placed out of area

1. How many children (12 to 18 years) from Devon are out of county in secure units?


2. How many children (12 to 18 years) from Devon are out of county in Children’s homes for Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD)?

We do not maintain a central record of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties who are both out of county and have emotional and behavioural difficulties.   To obtain this information would require a complete review of our records to establish if, at any point during the time that the child has been known to us, the child has suffered EBD.

We can confirm that as of 1st April there were 29 children aged 12-18 who were placed out of county.  We would estimate that it would approximately 3 hours to review each individual case which would total 87 hours.  This would take longer than the appropriate time limit of 18 hours and this information is therefore exempt under s.12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

3. Do you have any medium secure facilities in Devon for 12 to 18 year olds?

Yes, we have one.

4. What is the highest fee that is being paid by Devon Council for any looked after children with EBD? 

Please refer to our response to question 2.

However, we can confirm that, as of 28th February 2019 the highest gross weekly fee paid for the placement of any looked after child was £13,000 per week